Monday, September 1, 2014

Chapter 9

How does the ending shape your overall interpretation of the novel?

The ending of the novel concluded with the death of Jay Gatsby. Gatsby's dream was to be with Daisy but in the end, his actions led him to his death. He died alone without Daisy. In this novel, money seemed to be one of the main focuses. Because many people were rich, they thought they could get away with almost anything. Tom and Daisy, for example, we're careless people who thought since they were powerful they could get away with anything. Money does not buy happiness as we can see in the novel. Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby were all not very happy. Dreams can be observed as another theme in the novel. Like Gatsby, many people have dreams. Like Gatsby, many dreams go unfulfilled. This is an American classic that is still studied and remembered because it is about dreams. Gatsby rose from poverty to immense wealth.

Chapter 8

Select a passage that reveals Nick's attitude.

" I've always been glad I said that. It was the only compliment I ever gave him, because I disapproved of him from beginning to end...I enjoyed the breakfast, Gatsby" (Fitzgerald 154)

In this passage, Nick's feelings about Gatsby is shown. Nick has always respected Gatsby and that he would do anything for his dreams to come true, but at the same time he disapproved of Gatsby's actions. Though Gatsby was corrupt and powerful, he was still a good man. To me, Gatsby's actions leads him to his death.

Chapter 7

Select a passage that utilizes symbolism.

"The next day was broiling, almost the last, certainly the warmest, of the summer" (Fitzgerald 114).

In this novel, weather seems to play an important part. The weather in this chapter was the warmest day and almost the last day of summer. The summer and heat is a symbol for the dislike between Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby. In this chapter, Gatsby confronts Tom on the hottest day of summer. This contributes to the overall meaning of the novel because bad weather only foreshadows bad things to come.